The Teleporter Incident – Page 1
Based on something Alki said to me earlier today. I fully intend to make more pages, so we’ll hopefully see where this goes! 1 hour
Based on something Alki said to me earlier today. I fully intend to make more pages, so we’ll hopefully see where this goes! 1 hour
A quick happy punk dolphin mermaid for day 22, although technically finished on day 23. Only 40 minutes into it though. 56 minutes spent sketching.
Uh oh, seems there’s some steaming hot frying oil down there. Not too satisfied with this. But an attempt was made, and that’ll have to
Haha look, some idiot got himself beached! …wait shit, that’s me… And yeah, apparently I have a mustache on my back… I didn’t think of
Another nice production, although it took a lot of time. Over two hours with no color. Jeez. 1 hour & 59 minutes spent sketching.2 minutes
She’s not doing so well I’m afraid. I’m skipping #16 after this which is “Clam Chowder”.I feel as a bowl of non-descript stuff it’s not
It’s a succubus mermaid with a bit of an existential crisis… I don’t know what the tail is. It’s just something random I drew very
This one was fun. She’s mad because people keep calling her Medusa, when that’s not her name and she’s actually a gorgon. She’s based on
I suggested to a friend that I should draw a sparkly vampire mermaid. She had a bit of a violent reaction to that…Fortunately there are