Fruity Drink
No timelapse for this one! Which is a shame because it turned out really good! 26 minutes spent sketching.25 minutes spent coloring.
No timelapse for this one! Which is a shame because it turned out really good! 26 minutes spent sketching.25 minutes spent coloring.
A relatively quick sketch. Probably about half the time was spent cleaning up the lines. Would like to ink and color this in the future.
Somehow got herself trapped in some railing somewhere. That’s probably not going to go well. 28 minutes spent sketching.
She might get it, or knock it down onto the floor. She must be hungry. Drawn in 1 hour, 27 minutes.
I like this one. It’s different. Also, hot slime girl! Drawn in 1 hour, 7 minutes. Drawing it felt longer than that…
Lucy got herself stuck in some sort of tube. Will probably take some wiggling to get out of that.