Mermay 2018 – 19. Tartar Sauce
Another nice production, although it took a lot of time. Over two hours with no color. Jeez. 1 hour & 59 minutes spent sketching.2 minutes
Another nice production, although it took a lot of time. Over two hours with no color. Jeez. 1 hour & 59 minutes spent sketching.2 minutes
I like this. It turned out very well. 1 hour & 27 minutes spent sketching.47 minutes spent coloring.4 minutes spent lettering. You can find a
It’s a succubus mermaid with a bit of an existential crisis… I don’t know what the tail is. It’s just something random I drew very
I suggested to a friend that I should draw a sparkly vampire mermaid. She had a bit of a violent reaction to that…Fortunately there are
I enjoyed doing this one. I had this idea yesterday.I’m now caught up! Though it’s technically the 7th now since 13 minutes ago, I’m still
Drew this while listening to the soundtrack for The Sims (1). 47 minutes spent sketching.50 minutes spent coloring.5 minutes spent lettering.
A fairly quick sketch that actually turned out incredibly well! 26 minutes spent sketching.5 minutes spent lettering.
Uh… hm… A followup to the previous colored piece I suppose. It’s not particularly Disney is it? 34 minutes spent sketching.
Another colored Alki-original! 42 minutes spent inking.18 minutes spent coloring.8 minutes spent shading.
A TheMeatly.com fan drawing, featuring The Meatly. Sort of in reply to https://twitter.com/themeatly/status/804680991709270016