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Tag: swim

Inktober – 2. Mindless

Second day, another decent production I’d say. Jellyfish are about as mindless you can get in a sense, seeing as they literally do not have

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It’s been a while since I’ve drawn anything… 77 days according to my tracker. So, feeling like drawing for once in a long time I

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Random Mermaid 7

Been a while since I did one of these. The fastest one yet. Also, two quick sketches in one day. What is going on?! 12

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A wetsuit/dress. This was one of those ideas that I had to draw right away. Last minute I also decided to attempt a bit of

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It’s me! 30 minutes spent sketching.27 minutes spent inking.31 minutes spent coloring.

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Phone Mermaid

Yeah. Really really quick sketch. I got a new phone. Face is not great. Phone. 13 minutes spent sketching.

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