Just a random comic. I haven’t drawn in quite a while. 33 days. Which is not the longest I’ve gone without drawing, but it’s still
Just a random comic. I haven’t drawn in quite a while. 33 days. Which is not the longest I’ve gone without drawing, but it’s still
Me and Alki are apparently chilling while drying of from the previous drawing! Session 1:27 minutes spent sketching.~~Session 2:1 hour & 23 minutes spent sketching.~~Session
A poor mermaid has been caught on a small net with barbs on it. 1 hour & 1 minute spent sketching.27 minutes spent coloring.
Day 2! Much better than day 1. I blamed the poor quality of the first day on the lack of references and hurry. But today’s
How does a mermaid computer? In water of course. But you’ll have to make sure everything is waterproof. 2 hours & 59 minutes spent sketching.1
Wow, this was a doozy. But it came out pretty well in the end. I can imagine a story behind this. About a werewolf living
Another fun one! Although I would have liked to spend more time on the face, it’s very meh. But I’m out of time. Have to
Another tied up mermaid. I tried using a rope brush I made while working on this. I need to experiment more with that I think.
No timelapse for this one! Which is a shame because it turned out really good! 26 minutes spent sketching.25 minutes spent coloring.
Somehow got herself trapped in some railing somewhere. That’s probably not going to go well. 28 minutes spent sketching.