MintyMagic74 My Style vs. Your Style
Found this randomly and felt like doing it! https://www.deviantart.com/mintymagic74/art/My-style-vs-your-style-challenge-789606689 27 minutes spent sketching.41 minutes spent coloring.
Found this randomly and felt like doing it! https://www.deviantart.com/mintymagic74/art/My-style-vs-your-style-challenge-789606689 27 minutes spent sketching.41 minutes spent coloring.
A poor mermaid has been caught on a small net with barbs on it. 1 hour & 1 minute spent sketching.27 minutes spent coloring.
Wow, this was a doozy. But it came out pretty well in the end. I can imagine a story behind this. About a werewolf living
What?! I drew sometihng?! First drawing in 96 days. Not even joking. 27 minutes spent sketching.17 minutes spent coloring.