Inktober – 23. Ancient
After 4 days of a still pen I’m back at it. I’ve re-installed my system due to a failing system drive, and doing so and
After 4 days of a still pen I’m back at it. I’ve re-installed my system due to a failing system drive, and doing so and
Found this randomly and felt like doing it! https://www.deviantart.com/mintymagic74/art/My-style-vs-your-style-challenge-789606689 27 minutes spent sketching.41 minutes spent coloring.
A wetsuit/dress. This was one of those ideas that I had to draw right away. Last minute I also decided to attempt a bit of
More experimenting with inverted drawing and some new brushes. Much happier with this one than the previous one. This is Alki of course. The trickiest