Well, someone’s gotten themselves into an embarrassing situation. Getting a bit excited while being transported. 40 minutes spent sketching.
Well, someone’s gotten themselves into an embarrassing situation. Getting a bit excited while being transported. 40 minutes spent sketching.
Day 13. I got really lazy at the end there. Most of the time was spent on the guard. 45 minutes spent inking.
Day 7. A quick crappy one. It was difficult thinking of something for exhausted that wasn’t just “Someone laying down somewhere”. 17 minutes spent inking.
You can’t really tell but it’s supposed to be a mermaid hanging onto the side of a boat or similar. Mostly just a quick pose
I wonder why she’s in that tree. I wonder. Didn’t turn out that great, but it’s mostly a pose practice. Drawing upside-down boobs is difficult.
Another android. This one an older model which uses an older type of connector for the legs. Apparently this has been in an accident of