It’s alki-mon! Vaporeon Alki! It turned out pretty well! Now Vaporeon’s skin is not supposed to be two colors, but I decided to do so
It’s alki-mon! Vaporeon Alki! It turned out pretty well! Now Vaporeon’s skin is not supposed to be two colors, but I decided to do so
Well… this one… uh. That’s supposed to be a laser gattling gun from fallout. I used a reference for it. Didn’t use a reference for
A bit of late night inventing, using only the finest (mostly) stable plasma! 47 minutes spent sketching.2 minutes spent lettering.
Maybe meh. Timelapse: 34 minutes spent sketching.21 minutes spent coloring.
Either way beware, for it is watching you Very quick drawing. Inspired by Jolly Jacks depictions.