I’ve been catfished!
Yes. Puns. Fish puns. Or cat puns? Catfish puns. 29 minutes spent sketching.
Yes. Puns. Fish puns. Or cat puns? Catfish puns. 29 minutes spent sketching.
Uh… hm… A followup to the previous colored piece I suppose. It’s not particularly Disney is it? 34 minutes spent sketching.
Another inked and colored Alki original! With some adjustments made by me. 1 hour, 9 minutes spent inking.1 hour, 50 minutes spent coloring.
Yet another sketch by Alki, of Alki, inked and colored! 39 minutes spent inking.43 minutes spent coloring.
Another colored Alki-original! 42 minutes spent inking.18 minutes spent coloring.8 minutes spent shading.
Original sketch by Alkidan herself, of herself. Going to color this as well soon. 1 hour, 23 minutes spent inking. ========== Colored and shaded it!
Another quick one. It’s all around a bit weird. Especially the face is very different from what I usually produce. Probably a result of not