No ladder needed
Drew this while listening to the soundtrack for The Sims (1). 47 minutes spent sketching.50 minutes spent coloring.5 minutes spent lettering.
Drew this while listening to the soundtrack for The Sims (1). 47 minutes spent sketching.50 minutes spent coloring.5 minutes spent lettering.
The first 40 minutes of the sketch time was spent drawing the box! I’m pretty proud of how this turned out! 1 hour & 34
A fairly quick sketch inspired by something Alki said. This clearly isn’t her though. 42 minutes spent sketching.
A pretty quick sketch. I may add to this later if I ever feel like it. 25 minutes spent sketching.
A fairly quick sketch that actually turned out incredibly well! 26 minutes spent sketching.5 minutes spent lettering.
A fairly quick sketch. 32 minutes spent sketching.16 minutes spent coloring.6 minutes spent lettering.
What?! I drew sometihng?! First drawing in 96 days. Not even joking. 27 minutes spent sketching.17 minutes spent coloring.
A wetsuit/dress. This was one of those ideas that I had to draw right away. Last minute I also decided to attempt a bit of
Another tied up mermaid. I tried using a rope brush I made while working on this. I need to experiment more with that I think.
This is supposed to be human Alki, which I’ve never drawn before. I don’t know. 38 minutes spent sketching.24 minutes spent coloring.