Pants Plight
Another colored Alki-original! 42 minutes spent inking.18 minutes spent coloring.8 minutes spent shading.
Another colored Alki-original! 42 minutes spent inking.18 minutes spent coloring.8 minutes spent shading.
Original sketch by Alkidan herself, of herself. Going to color this as well soon. 1 hour, 23 minutes spent inking. ========== Colored and shaded it!
Another quick one. It’s all around a bit weird. Especially the face is very different from what I usually produce. Probably a result of not
A coloring of lineart by Alkidan. 35 minutes spent inking.25 minutes spent coloring. Edit:Fixed the hands being mirrored as pointed out by Alki. 6 minutes
This took a while. It’s based on a drawing Alki did which was similar. But she said she wanted to have nets as well, so
Oh jeez. This is the first fully sketched, inked, colored and shaded picture I’ve done in quite a while. But it was worth it. 9