Sash Mermaid
I didn’t time this one properly, but I’d say it took about 1h 20m based on irc timestamps. Turned out pretty well except her head
I didn’t time this one properly, but I’d say it took about 1h 20m based on irc timestamps. Turned out pretty well except her head
Another quick sketch today. Quicker than I thought though. Drawn in 33 minutes. It felt like over an hour…
Just a random mermaid. Came out pretty well I think. Well, except her face looks… off. And I can’t quite figure out why. Might be
A TheMeatly.com fan drawing, featuring The Meatly. Sort of in reply to https://twitter.com/themeatly/status/804680991709270016
She might get it, or knock it down onto the floor. She must be hungry. Drawn in 1 hour, 27 minutes.
I like this one. It’s different. Also, hot slime girl! Drawn in 1 hour, 7 minutes. Drawing it felt longer than that…